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Surviving a natural disaster or terrorist attack can be done, but a great deal depends on who is involved, what happens, when it occurs, and where the situation takes place. Natural disasters occur, or so it seems, when you are least prepared, which makes the emotional impact of the situation more severe. Even when warned well in advance, many do not heed warnings and attempt to ride the situation out, often dying in the process. Surviving a natural disaster or terrorist attack takes a great deal of luck and it always takes preparation.
Nonetheless, I am not suggesting we get paranoid, but simply prepare for emergencies, because in any survival situation, the key factor is being prepared. Natural disasters may involve two types of survival, the initial emergency as well as the prolonged survival situation. As seen in Japan recently, if you survive the initial situation it doesn't necessarily mean you have an easy road ahead. It may, and often is, days or weeks before supplies, safe drinking water, or medical assistance arrives on scene. In the mean time, survivors attempt to keep on living the best they can. If you have equipment ready and your mind prepared, your chances of surviving a crisis increases greatly. Additionally, those prepared are usually more psychologically and physically comfortable due to stored necessities and knowledge.
I believe most weather professionals and disaster response teams will tell us it is only a matter of time before we have more disasters, but the type of disaster will vary depending on your geographical location. Most American's expect another terrorist attack and the only question is when.
What can we do to prepare our homes and loved ones before something happens? Remember what I said above, a disaster will most likely happen when you least suspect it, so glance around your house. If you live like most people, you have many things you can use for emergencies on hand right now. Outdated or worn clothing and shoes you no longer wear, but still fit, could be stored for emergency use. Additionally, do you have extra special clothing (winter gear if you live up north or rain gear down south), water, canned foods, first aid items, battery or self-powered radio, or other things that could go in storage for emergency use? Don't get scared and put everything in the closet for emergency use, just those items you seriously don't use much and might need later. Clothing and shoe styles will matter little when it comes to life or death situations. Also, remember, most of the things I list in this book you already have in your household, so you'll have them on hand when needed – just organize them a little.
This section is broken up into chapters to assist you in finding needed information quickly in the event of an emergency, but also to make it easier for you to read. I suggest you become familiar with this book before you need it, so you have a basic understanding of what to do and when you need to do it. If you don't have a good survival book, I suggest “Simple Survival, A Family Outdoors Guide,” by Dancing Fox Publishing,, or “The SAS Survival Handbook,” by John Wiseman, which is available at, and a good first aid book can be picked up at your local bookstore. Both books will assist you in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
Much of the research for this section has come from the American Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross, U.S. Air Force pamphlet 64-5, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, U.S. National Parks Service, Canadian Ministry of Environment, U.S. Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76, as well as the American Medical Association. Of course, the survival training I received from the United States Air Force while attending water survival, basic survival, arctic survival and jungle survival schools assisted in writing this book. Some portions of my survival book, “Simple Survival, A Family Outdoors Guide,” Dancing Fox Publishing, have been used as well, especially in the chapters pertaining to long-term survival.
Please keep in mind, the period immediately following a natural disaster can be a dangerous situation, and, as such, your decisions could mean the difference between life and death. Just surviving a hurricane, tornado, nuclear leak, or earthquake does not make you a survivor – not yet anyway. Often the most difficult aspect of surviving a natural disaster are the days following the initial damage. Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans are prime examples of the how the period following the blow over became a living hell for some survivors. Crime was a problem, drinking water and food hard to find, and some people were trapped inside or on top of their homes. How many died following the hurricane?
As I write this evening, I am thinking about the tornadoes that passed north and south of me earlier in the day. I live in central Mississippi and today we're getting pounded. I was awaken at 3 am, by my wife Melanie, and minutes later heard howling winds and pounding rain. Other than a few small branches scattered around our yard we're fine. However, a local television news broadcast, from station WLBT, has stated there have been over 300 people killed in Mississippi and Alabama as a result of this severe weather. Natural disasters are serious business.
It is my goal to get you thinking about how to survive in your home in the event gas, water, electric, or food sources suddenly stop – for whatever reason. As Americans, we are used to having what we want, when we want it, and we demand it quickly. Except, what if all of that instantly stopped? Could you survive for two weeks or so without any comfort items available? Could you keep yourself, your family alive until rescued, or the situation returned to normal? I feel most American's could not do this.
Additionally, the information on this web site comes with no assurance that it will keep everyone alive in all emergencies. No two situations are ever the same and as such, any action taken by a person before, during, or following an emergency will have associated risks. The author assumes no responsibility of any actions taken, their results, injuries, deaths sustained, or of any damages suffered because of information provided in this book. This book is for your enjoyment and perhaps to get you to thinking about surviving a natural disaster.
Read more about Natural Disasters and Terrorist Acts